
Karalyn Walker

Every December, I like to choose a word or a phrase that will guide me in the New Year. Sometimes the process is quick, sometimes I struggle.

As I searched for a word or phrase for 2020, this year of perfect sight (insight), I decided it would be the Ram Dass quote, “I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion, and where it isn’t, that’s where my work lies.”

I am a New York City gal, transplanted to Oregon by way of Kashmir; an activist by nature with the soul of a poet; a born storyteller, who realizes that every person has a story.

In the past, I have kept my writing for myself or close friends. A synchronistic push of a button two years ago led me to Nadia Colburn and her class, Align Your Story. “Follow your whims, your inner hunches”, I would reveal. Once that led me to buy the Great Wok of China on the shopping network, which was a dud. Nadia is the real deal. Writing as a practice, complete with meditation was right up my alley; connecting with myself and writing it down; connecting with others and revealing pieces of myself. I am shy and private by nature. Along the way, I have had help to even write for myself. I am learning to write without judgement or comparison and am beginning to share. In addition to this site, my writing is featured on Elder Diaries, a beautiful new website honoring elderhood through story. My first piece is here.

I live in Eugene, Oregon with a Beloved Companion (BC), who is as creative and quirky as I am. Every time I share a story with him, he admonishes me to write it down. So here I am: not in the big city I was born in, or the rural country home I have lived in alone for twenty years, but in a smallish Northwest college town. I am learning to trust what life gives me, and let life shower me with surprises to write about. I am grateful to my BC’s remarkable son, for suggesting and designing this web site.

Let’s see what I can Reveal.

December 31, 2018